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As a Man (Woman) thinks in his (her) heart, so is He (She). Proverbs 23:7

Hannah McCall
Feb 18, 20223 min read
You deserve SAFER!!!
75%. That’s a high percentage, right? What if I told you, it represents the percentage of the personal care products marketed to Black...
132 views10 comments

Courtney Robinson
Feb 10, 20223 min read
You are THE BRAND!!!
Your image affects the way people perceive you and your success. It not only impacts people’s impression of you, but it can also increase...
103 views5 comments

Emmanuelle Poin Du Jour
Feb 7, 20223 min read
Nothing changes if Nothing changes
And just like that, January is gone, and we are in the second week of February. But for some of us, it still feels like we are...
170 views13 comments

Jennifer Petrovitch, Esq.
Jan 26, 20223 min read
Putting your affairs in order should be a Love Language
It’s safe to say that the world was shocked when Chadwick Boseman passed in August 2020. No one knew he had been battling colon cancer...
113 views13 comments

Claudia Box
Jan 19, 20223 min read
Will you leave DEBT or WEALTH behind?
“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die”, Warren Buffett. That’s the power of investing!...
329 views17 comments

Courtney Robinson
Sep 6, 20214 min read
Beyond Beauty... Beauty for Ashes
I’ll be the first to admit that I LOVE all things beautiful: beautiful decor, beautiful places, beautiful clothes, beautiful people. I’m...
105 views9 comments

Emmanuelle Poin Du Jour
Aug 30, 20215 min read
I am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!!!
Couple of Sundays ago, I woke up with a feeling of inadequacy. Knowing the damage that negativity could cause in my mind if it sits too...
143 views7 comments

Emmanuelle Poin Du Jour
Aug 23, 20214 min read
Don't let my growth offend you!!!
Why does society, men in particular, keep putting limits on a woman's growth? Couple of days ago, I had people over to my house, and me...
102 views6 comments

LaMora Pace
Aug 22, 20216 min read
Supporting those that we love is second nature for many women. From sacrificing what you really desire because you're afraid of letting...
248 views11 comments

Emmanuelle Poin Du Jour
Aug 9, 20214 min read
Time to Make Money Moves!!!
Nowadays, when people share their dreams with me, after congratulating them and wishing them the best, my next statement is: « What's...
150 views12 comments

Emmanuelle Poin Du Jour
Aug 6, 20212 min read
Welcome to the New Normal!!!
There’s a statement attributed to Charles Darwin that goes like this: «It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most...
25 views3 comments

Sandra Rose
Aug 6, 20211 min read
"My Why"
I saw that look in her face…my daughter…the same look that I’ve struggled with for years. That “what if I’m not good enough” look, and it...
55 views2 comments

Emmanuelle Poin Du Jour
Jul 26, 20212 min read
Why some of us need to say "NO" more often!!!
Have you ever heard that statement by Annie Lamott before? "NO is a complete sentence!!!" Meaning you don’t need to provide an...
109 views3 comments

Emmanuelle Poin Du Jour
Jul 9, 20212 min read
Nice To Meet You!!!
I was sitting on my sofa, thinking about what topic I should consider next, when I realized I actually never formally introduced myself....
69 views0 comments

Emmanuelle Poin Du Jour
Apr 16, 20211 min read
Now is not the time for you to doubt WHO YOU ARE!!!
We are living some strange days... and some of us might find ourselves in situations where we forget or start doubting WHO WE ARE... Akin...
89 views4 comments

Emmanuelle Poin Du Jour
Apr 16, 20211 min read
Welcome Back Authentic Self!!!
Today, as I waited at Starbucks for my name to be called, I read this simple but eye opening sentence from Luvvie Ajayi Jones's new book...
63 views0 comments

Emmanuelle Poin Du Jour
Apr 16, 20211 min read
Dear Sisters, let's inspire each other!!!
Do you have an inspiring story that you would like to share? Or have some life lessons or practices that you believe would benefit...
70 views0 comments

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